It is not often that we (with Paul De Hert) do this, but then again it is not often that such good news reach us either, therefore please bear with us: We are very happy, and proud, that our paper on “The Regulation of Digital Technologies in the EU: The law-making phenomena of “act-ification”, “GDPR mimesis” and “EU law brutality”, that was published in the Technology and Regulation Journal, has made it to the SSRN Top Ten List within the Innovation & Telecommunications Law & Policy topic!
This is the relevant SSRN webpage: you can (always!) download our article here,
Iδιαίτερα υπερήφανοι που το άρθρο μας (The Regulation of Digital Technologies in the EU: The law-making phenomena of “act-ification”, “GDPR mimesis” and “EU law brutality”) κατάφερε να μπει στο Top Ten του SSRN (κατηγορία: Innovation & Telecommunications Law & Policy)!
Η αντίστοιχη σελίδα του SSRN είναι στο… και το άρθρο μπορείτε (πάντα!) να κατεβάσετε στο