The European Law Institute, the Radboud Universiteit and the UCLouvain organize jointly a series of lunch webinars on the relationship between cybersecurity and dispute resolution.
Cybersecurity has increasingly drawn attention over the last few months. Indeed, the amount of cybersecurity breaches occurring due to COVID-related circumstances has much risen. Yet, European regulation has only focused on criminalizing cyber hacking and other violations of digital infrastructures and on creating compliance mechanisms to limit the cybersecurity risks. Especially in Europe, less attention has been paid to the enforcement of these duties and the role of courts when it comes to resolving conflicts pertaining to digital issues. This webinar series proposes a string of short presentations with the aim to fill in that gap.
Presentations will be given by academics and practitioners in the field of cybersecurity and will be followed by open discussions with the audience.
5 May 2021. Cybersecurity 101. The EU responses to cyber-incidents, more regulation or more litigation? Episode 2
1. Liabilities under GDPR/ePrivacy (E. Papakonstantinou, VUB)
2. Security liabilities outside data protection rules (e.g. trade secrets) (tbc)
3. The perspective of law enforcement – (tbc, ANSSI)