

Webinar IV: Personal Data Processing within Immersive Virtual Worlds: Compliance Challenges of the GDPR.

Όσοι ενδιαφέρεστε για το metaverse, προσέλθετε! Παρακάτω αντιγράφω από την "επίσημη" ανακοίνωση, το λινκ εγγραφής είναι https://metaversechair.ua.es/webinar-iv-personal-data.../ (η παρακολούθηση δωρεάν, το webinar στα αγγλικά): Tuesday 31st October 2023 at 15.00 (CET), the Chair for the responsible development of the Metaverse is resuming its activities. We kindly invite you to our Webinar on “Personal Data Processing

2023-11-01T09:46:25+00:00October 31st, 2023|Categories: Webinars|Tags: , |

Fifth anniversary of the EU PNR Directive – la route vers la CJUE

This is the fifth webinar in the new Enforcing Europe - Webinar Series 1. The Webinar Series is co-organised with the University of Luxembourg within the framework of the joint research project MATIS (co-funded by FWO and FNR). The Webinar Series is in media partnership with Privacy Laws & Business. This event is co-organised with the Cyber & Data Security

2021-05-18T08:16:40+00:00May 12th, 2021|Categories: Webinars|Tags: , , , |

Cybersecurity and dispute resolution-Webinars (April – May 2021)

The European Law Institute, the Radboud Universiteit and the UCLouvain organize jointly a series of lunch webinars on the relationship between cybersecurity and dispute resolution. Cybersecurity has increasingly drawn attention over the last few months. Indeed, the amount of cybersecurity breaches occurring due to COVID-related circumstances has much risen. Yet, European regulation has only focused

2021-05-18T07:55:44+00:00May 5th, 2021|Categories: Webinars|Tags: , , , |

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