
EU Law

The (New) Role of States in a ‘States-As-Platforms’ Approach

Published in the Constitutional Discourse blog, 28.01.2023 Leviathan, or the Matter, Forme, & Power of a Comm - caption: 'Leviathan' The forceful invasion of “online platforms” not only into our everyday lives but also into the EU legislator’s agenda, most visibly through the DSA and DMA regulatory initiatives, perhaps opened up another approach to state theory: what if

2023-02-13T08:52:12+00:00January 28th, 2023|Categories: Blog posts|Tags: , , |

States as platforms under new EU (online platforms’) law

Published in the European Law Blog, 4.07.2022 The recent political agreement on the Digital Services Act (the “DSA”) means that, once officially released, it will formally introduce into EU law the term “online platforms”: These (according to the Commission’s original proposal, at least) are meant to be “a provider of a hosting service which, at the request of a

2022-08-02T08:16:05+00:00July 4th, 2022|Categories: Blog posts|Tags: , |

New Article: The Regulation of Digital Technologies in the EU: The law-making phenomena of “act-ification”, “GDPR mimesis” and “EU law brutality”

Στο Technology and Regulation Journal δημοσιεύθηκε το άρθρο, στο οποίο μαζί με τον Paul de Hert εντοπίζουμε τρία φαινόμενα στην πρόσφατη νομοθέτηση των νέων ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών σε Ευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο: act-ification, GDPR mimesis και EU law brutality. Το άρθρο αναλύει ακόμα περισσότερο τρία παλαιότερα blog post μας (καθένα τους με αντίστοιχο περιεχόμενο, στο European Law Blog

2022-05-30T10:59:52+00:00May 30th, 2022|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

The “act-ification” of EU law: The (long-overdue) move towards “eponymous” EU legislation

Published in European Law Blog, 26.01.2021 The recent release by the Commission of the draft Digital Services Act and the Digital Markets Act may have attracted significant attention from stakeholders for their substance. However, this contribution is not about the content but the titles of these acts. In the author’s opinion, these two instruments are the latest addition to

2021-02-08T08:12:44+00:00January 26th, 2021|Categories: Blog posts|Tags: , |