
Data Protection and Digital Governance

States as platforms under new EU (online platforms’) law

Published in the European Law Blog, 4.07.2022 The recent political agreement on the Digital Services Act (the “DSA”) means that, once officially released, it will formally introduce into EU law the term “online platforms”: These (according to the Commission’s original proposal, at least) are meant to be “a provider of a hosting service which, at the request of a

2022-08-02T08:16:05+00:00July 4th, 2022|Categories: Blog posts|Tags: , |

EU lawmaking in the Artificial Intelligent Age: Act-ification, GDPR mimesis, and regulatory brutality

Published in European Law Blog, 8.07.2021 By Vagelis Papakonstantinou and Paul De Hert, A few months ago the authors identified, in respective posts that were kindly hosted on this blog, two phenomena observable in recent EU law, namely its ‘act-ification’ and its ‘GDPR mimesis’. The first denoted the tendency of the EU legislator, perhaps affected by its US

2021-07-12T10:30:23+00:00July 8th, 2021|Categories: Blog posts|Tags: |