
CoE Convention 108

The GDPR in third countries: the opportunities of the Modernisation of Convention 108

Roundtable by the Brussels Privacy Hub on "The GDPR in third countries: the modernisation of Convention 108". The coming into effect of the GDPR is by now not solely an EU but rather a global phenomenon. Additional opportunities are provided by the adoption of the modernised version of Convention 108, which is open for accession

New paper on CoE Convention 108 reform

The Council of Europe Data Protection Convention reform: Analysis of the new text and critical comment on its global ambition Paul de Hert/Vagelis Papakonstantinou   Abstract The year 2010 set an important milestone in the development of data protection law in Europe: both Europe's basic regulatory texts, the EU Data Protection Directive and the Council's

2014-11-30T11:11:05+00:00November 30th, 2014|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |