
Digitalia Moralia

Have you already bought domain names with your children’s names?

While recently purchasing yet more personal domain names to point to my website I was tempted to think about the future and therefore run a search for domain names with my children’s names. Some are still available, others not. So, should I buy the ones available and place alerts for the other ones just in

2019-01-06T22:44:57+00:00January 6th, 2019|Categories: Digitalia Moralia|Tags: , |

What your hard drive reveals about you — and software design

I recently had a hard time explaining to my kids the use of folders in hard drives. Hierarchy they could more or less understand, as well as the fact that documents, photos and other files need to be found at a specific place. What they could not come to terms with was content specificity: They

2019-01-05T20:17:31+00:00January 5th, 2019|Categories: Digitalia Moralia|Tags: , |

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Thank you for taking the time to visit my website! You can learn more about me here. Please feel free to use and re-use information published on this website, but do keep in mind the date of publication.

You can contact me at vagelis AT papakonstantinou DOT me, or through my online social network accounts.

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